Full Name
Vicki Magley
Job title
Professor of Psychological Sciences
University of Connecticut
Short Bio
Vicki Magley received her PhD in Social and Organizational Psychology in 1999 from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and is a Professor in the Department of Psychological Sciences at the University of Connecticut. Her research combines both organizational and feminist perspectives in the study of workplace sexual harassment and incivility and often results from consulting with organizations (e.g., World Bank Group, institutions of higher education) and federal agencies (e.g., Army, Air Force, US Department of Interior) in understanding their climate of mistreatment and in evaluating interventions designed to alter that climate. She testified to the Department of Defense Judicial Proceedings Panel and the National Academies Committee on the Status of Women on the impact of sexual harassment, how feared retaliation inhibits reporting, and the (unfortunate) lack of efficacy of sexual harassment awareness training programs. She was one of the research experts to the 2018 National Academies consensus study on ending sexual harassment in academia. She has been involved in two follow-up activities to this consensus study by chairing a follow-up workshop on intervention evaluation and being a member of the Advisory Committee working with the Action Collaborative on Ending Sexual Harassment in Higher Education.
Vicki Magley