Full Name
Mary Gentile
Job title
Giving Voice To Values (GVV)
Short Bio
What is Giving Voice To Values?
Giving Voice to Values (GVV) is an innovative approach to values-driven leadership development in business education and the workplace, pioneered by Dr. Mary C. Gentile (GentileM@darden.virginia.edu ). GVV is based at University of Virginia-Darden School of Business, having been launched by Aspen Institute as Incubator & Founding Partner, with Yale School of Management; then supported at Babson College 2009-16. Drawing on actual experience and scholarship, GVV fills a long-standing critical gap in the development of values-centered leaders.
GVV is not about persuading people to be more ethical. Rather GVV starts from the premise that most of us already want to act on our values, but that we also want to feel that we have a reasonable chance of doing so effectively and successfully. This pedagogy and curriculum are about raising those odds.
Rather than a focus on ethical analysis, the Giving Voice to Values (GVV) curriculum focuses on ethical implementation and asks the question: “What if I were going to act on my values? What would I say and do? How could I be most effective?”
Where can you find the book and the curriculum?
The curriculum is available at http://store.darden.virginia.edu/giving-voice-to-values (or under the “Curriculum” tab at www.GivingVoiceToValues.org . (Teaching notes and B cases are available to registered and approved faculty members. Register at https://store.darden.virginia.edu/login .)

The book from Yale University Press is Giving Voice To Values: How To Speak Your Mind When You Know What’s Right, www.MaryGentile.com (available in Chinese and Korean). A series of 6 online interactive, social cohort-based customizable modules are also available: visit https://players.brightcove.net/3326885378001/default_default/index.html?videoId=4134427723001 and Plans | Nomadic Learning . Contact GentileM@darden.virginia.edu for DEMO. Additionally a 4 week online course (MOOC) on “Ethical Leadership through Giving Voice To Values” is available from Darden in partnership with Coursera at https://www.coursera.org/learn/uva-darden-giving-voice-to-values

“Giving Voice To Values for Engineer Ethics” MOOC available at the Online Ethics Center for Engineering and Science: https://onlineethics.org/gvv-engineering-ethics
GVV is included in new curriculum for Ethics in the Newsroom: Center for Ethical Leadership in Media | Curriculum for Ethical Leadership in News (ethicalnewsleadership.org)
“GVV Africa” is an online African centered program for learners across higher education and industry:

Who is using GVV?
GVV has now been shared and/or piloted in over 1,490 educational and business settings on all seven continents. Pilot sites have included the U.S., Europe, Africa, India, China, Australia, Canada, Israel, United Arab Emirates, etc.
Designed for use in graduate business curriculum, the approach has also moved well beyond that. On the education side, GVV has been used in undergraduate, MBA and executive education in hundreds of business schools around the world. It has been a featured part of the United Nations Global Compact PRME (Principles for Responsible Management Education) programming and PRME was a partner supporting a GVV curriculum development initiative on Anti-Corruption in India. A similar region-specific curriculum development initiative in Egypt was supported by German University of Cairo and the ILO. Increasingly GVV is also being adapted for educational purposes beyond business (military, medicine, nursing, engineering, law, accounting, liberal arts). There is a GVV book series from Routledge/Greenleaf publishing at https://www.routledge.com/Giving-Voice-to-Values/book-series/GVV & https://www.routledge.com/business/posts/12540 and there are numerous titles in the previous GVV book series from Business Expert Press at http://www.businessexpertpress.com/product-category/business-ethics-corporate-citizenship-formerly-giving-voice-to-values/

Some of the many companies and organizations that have invited presentations and/or piloted the approach include: European Commission, Lockheed Martin with award-winning offerings, Unilever, KPMG, Takeda, Center for Advanced Palliative Care, Australian Institute for Health and Safety, Consolidated Edison, Bertelsmann, Chartered Financial Analyst Institute, Prudential, Northrup Grumman, Wealth Management Institute, International Atomic Energy Agency, Mubadala, Etihad Aviation, The InterAmerican Development Bank, National Grid, Mayo Clinic, Kaiser Permanente, The Institute for Chartered Accountancy/Ontario, Ethics Resource Center, Ethics & Compliance Officers’ Association, National Investment Company Service Association, Net Impact, etc. And other expressions of interest are continually growing.

Gentile has partnered with Nomadic to develop a series of interactive, on-line social-cohort based modules that introduce GVV and offer opportunities for users to work in cohorts on its application. The modules are available for customization and use in companies and other settings.
See https://players.brightcove.net/3326885378001/default_default/index.html?videoId=4134427723001

Other potential applications/audiences for GVV include: elementary/secondary educators and students; the general public; parents; etc.

A McKinsey Quarterly Video Interview (8 mins.) with the Creator and Director of GVV: http://www.mckinsey.com/business-functions/organization/our-insights/voicing-values-in-the-workplace
Selected Awards/Recognition:
Gentile was inducted into the Thinkers50 Hall of Fame, 2021. GVV won the Bronze Medal in the 2017 REIMAGINE EDUCATION “Ethical Leadership” category and was short-listed again in 2020. Gentile has been inducted into the Thinkers50 Hall of Fame in 2021 and was short-listed for the 2019 & 2017 Thinkers50 “Ideas Into Practice” Award. She was named one of the “Top Minds 2017” in ethics, compliance, risk and leadership by CompianceWeek. Gentile and GVV received the 2013 “Humanistic Management Leadership Award” for Teaching and Education at the Academy of Management convening in Orlando, FL in August. GVV was selected as one of the Semi-Finalists for the Ashoka Innovation Award in 2013. The book from Yale University Press won the Axiom Business Book Awards 2011 Gold Medal in the Business Ethics Category. Mary Gentile has also been recognized independently for her work with GVV, and named by Trust Across America as one of the “Top 100 Thought Leaders in Trustworthy Business Behavior” over several years and received their “Lifetime Achievement Award,” as well as named to Good Business New York Leading Women for 2012 for “21st Century Leadership - Women Who Are Changing The World: 25 Dynamic Leaders Actively Creating a Better World Through Work & Business.”
For More Information on GVV, Contact: Mary C. Gentile Ph.D., GentileM@darden.virginia.edu, 978-255-7523 and visit: www.MaryGentile.com and www.GivingVoiceToValues.org
Gentile Bio:

Mary C. Gentile, PhD, is Creator and Director of Giving Voice to Values (www.GivingVoiceToValuesTheBook.com), launched with The Aspen Institute and Yale School of Management and hosted at Babson College for 6 years, now based at UVA-Darden. This pioneering curriculum for values-driven leadership has been piloted and/or presented in over 1,490 sites globally and has been featured in Financial Times, Harvard Business Review, Stanford Social Innovation Review, McKinsey Quarterly, etc. Gentile is a consultant, speaker and author on GVV. She was formerly the Richard M. Waitzer Bicentennial Professor of Ethics at UVA Darden (2016-2022) and was previously at Harvard Business School(1985-95) and Babson College (2009—2015). She holds a B.A. from The College of William and Mary and Ph.D. from State University of New York-Buffalo.
Gentile's publications include: Giving Voice to Values: How To Speak Your Mind When You Know What's Right; Can Ethics Be Taught? Perspectives, Challenges, and Approaches at Harvard Business School (with Thomas Piper & Sharon Parks); Differences That Work: Organizational Excellence through Diversity; Managerial Excellence Through Diversity: Text and Cases, as well as cases and articles in Harvard Business Review, Stanford Social Innovation Review, Academy of Management Learning and Education, Risk Management, CFO, BizEd, Strategy+Business, etc. Gentile was Content Expert for the award-winning CD-ROM, Managing Across Differences (Harvard Business School Publishing).
“Giving Voice to Values heralds a revolution in ethics education... It’s like a self-defense class for your soul.”
Dan & Chip Heath, authors of Switch & Made to Stick

“…a wonderful guide to help us enter an era of responsibility & leadership based on values.”
Walter Isaacson, Former CEO of The Aspen Institute, and CNN, Author of Steve Jobs

“…the most significant contribution to business ethics I’ve experienced in my professional career... destined to shape the behavior of future generations in ways that should make us all much prouder of business as an entity and management as a career.”
Leonard A. Schlesinger, Baker Foundation Professor at Harvard Business School and former President, Babson College
Mary Gentile